Monday, January 21, 2008

My Favorite Things About Texas!

1. The Weather (I thought I would hate it, but I was mistaken. I actually love it!)
2. Our new house
3. Our San Antonio Water tastes great
4. We get to feel like tourists in our own city when we go downtown.
5. San Antonio is one of the 5 "most unique" cities in America (others include New Orleans, San Francisco, New York City)
6. The Alamo and the Riverwalk (the top two tourist attractions in Texas) are in our city. The Riverwalk is awesome.
7. You can learn a lot about Texas just by looking at our license plates
8. The capital city of Austin
9. The pride people have about the state (whether it's the BBQ or the Football- Go Longhorns! Go Cowboys!)
10. Live Oak trees
11. The variety of the geography of the state (especially the Hill Country)
12. That we live only 2 hours away from an amazing beach.
13. The people are friendly
14. Our ward (and our callings)
15. We live close to our cousins
16. Texas is Huge, and yet it's famous for both its big cities and small towns
17. There's always something new to see, learn, discover
18. Six Flags Fiesta Texas 20 miles away (we have season passes)
19. One of the only two Sea Worlds in the U.S. is across town
20. Blue Bell ice cream!
21. The Lone Star Flag (it even has its own Texas pledge: "Honor the Texas Flag, I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas, one state, under God, one and indivisible")


  1. Hasn't this winter been great?!?! Seriously! You gotta love it!

  2. Ok Spence, I had a roommate from TEXAS and she was so TEXAS pride she literally didn't understand it was a STATE and not it's own country! I love that you love your home. We need to come visit. Might not be till the next century but we will get out there
