Thursday, February 14, 2008

Google Maps' new "Street View" feature

Anybody who has been around me since I got my first Gmail account knows that I'm a big Google fan. They come out with some pretty cool things. I love Gmail. I'm still giddy every time I use Google Earth--it's simply amazing. But I especially love Google Maps. I use this all the time. I can get directions, estimated time and distance, find businesses, get street map views, satellite views, or a combination of the two. I could go on and on and explain all the ways I use these programs. (I seriously can't stand that people still use Mapquest anymore!)

Add the new Google "Street View" for Google Maps to the list of really cool Google features.

At first glance the Google Maps page may look the same but in a few select cities you will notice a new little icon near the “satellite”, “Map” and “Hybrid” links called “Street View”. It was introduced in 2007 and provides 360° panoramic street-level views--almost as if you were there in person! They've gradually expanded to 23 mostly major cities including Salt Lake/Provo and San Antonio as of February 12th, 2008--just two days ago.

I'm amazed that I can locate the house we lived in while we were in Provo and with "Street View" feel like I am standing right out front! As for our current Texas abode, they haven't quite photographed our street yet (even though a majority of the city has already been done), but you can see the entrance to our neighborhood off the major street. That's still pretty cool to me. Even more fun than that is to zoom in downtown and look at the Alamo as if you were a tourist on the street. So cool! Even all the trees are clearly visible! If you can't tell, I get excited over these things.

So check it out. Have fun. Go exploring.

Thanks Google. Keep up the good work.

Now if only I could get paid to do all of this Google promoting. They could really use me in a commercial or something. If only they did commercials...


  1. Uh oh. I have to admit I'm still a mapquest girl. But only because I wasn't aware of this "street view" option. Hmmm... I just may be converted over now...

  2. Wow!!!! That is really, truly, amazing! That must have taken forever to have people drive all those streets. And it's pretty recent because you can see our house from the street and it's our cars out in front!

  3. Thanks for the tutorial, Spence. I seriously didn't know there was much of a difference. I've never checked out Google maps, but I will now!

  4. They are talking about this on this news. Apparently it is controvercial...something about privacy and such....

  5. Count on you is all I have to say. I would probably think this was amazing anyway, but since I'm married to you, it's even more so. I lOVE YOU! CITY PLANNING/MANAGING- here we come!
