Sunday, March 1, 2009

Quentin L. Cook is a Sooners Fan

Speaking today in a stake conference broadcast to 74 stakes in Texas, Oklahoma, and New Mexico, Elder Quentin Cook called the University of Oklahoma football team "one of my favorites." No word yet on if the Saints up in Austin continued to participate in the broadcast, but I'm confident most Longhorn fans recovered soon enough to enjoy President Dieter F. Uchdorf's concluding talk.


  1. I can appreciate this "tongue-in-cheek" post, but if he really did say this (even while the" 'eyes of Texas were upon" him)--it would seem to set up a little interesting side plot to the BYU vs. Oklahoma showdown in Dallas September 5th.

  2. LOL! I actually hope to make it up to that game.

    FWIW, when Elder Cook stayed at my parents home in Oregon (before he was called to be an Apostle), he did enjoy talking football with my dad. (My dad's a football coach). Apparently, Elder Cook was a pretty good athlete himself. He was an award winning quarterback on the same Logan High School team as Merlin Olsen.

    I think it would be safe to say he's probably a fan of all college football in general...
