Friday, February 26, 2010

Wishing I Were There...

If only I still lived in Provo. I'd drop everything to attend the Church History Symposium today. Just look at who's speaking! Like the Olympics, I wish they had sponsors for these kind of things! Instead, I've decided to check out some books on Mormon History from my local library.

I'm already intrigued by the preface to The Mormon Experience:
“Both authors of [The Mormon Experience] are believing and practicing members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints…To the non-Mormon reader, who might believe us unduly favorable to the Mormon point of view, we can only say that we have tried to be fair and have called them as we have seen them. To the Mormon reader, who might be surprised at our frank recognition of problems within the faith, at our willingness to assign blame to Latter-day Saints, and at our sincere goodwill to the historical opponents of Mormonism, the answer is really the same."

Looking forward to some good reading...

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