Thursday, April 1, 2010

A Patheos Plethora

When the Mormon portal at Patheos began I remember thinking that it had potential, but that I might need to check back later. The content was a little meager at the time. Not so much anymore. One might even say they have a plethora of excellent articles. If you haven't checked them out, you'll be surprised at the quality. They don't need my endorsement, but after reading the following articles recently, they've certainly earned mine:

Mormon Trinitarianism: Not So Heretical by Clark Goble

Getting it Wrong, Kinda Sorta by Nathan Oman

Thinking Myself into Mormonism by Sam Bhagwat


  1. My biggest problem is that the comments come from the same people you would expect. There really isn't a wider viewpoint, although there are some good articles. Wouldn't it be great to see some writings by Mormon Mommy Bloggers or "Ezra T. Benson" Mormons? I guess it depends on what the place is trying to be about.

  2. Would you clarify what stereotype you mean by "Ezra T. Benson" Mormons?

  3. I can't speak for the blog aspect--haven't read it. (I'm partial to BCC, myself). But those articles I linked to are fantastic.
