Wednesday, July 14, 2010

An Amen

Every once in a while I read a comment with which I so completely and heartily agree that I feel like shouting "amen". Here's my latest "amen":

"Like a few others here, I am troubled when other Latter-day Saints try to explain their speculative beliefs as “normative” LDS thought. I’m LDS by every definition but I do not endorse any idea of spirit womb gestation or any idea that Jesus ever was something less than God. I acknowledge that some Latter-day Saints hold these views, but I do not see them as normative. And I am grateful that we do not have an all-encompassing “normative” theology."

--ji, comment #35, on "Oh brother, where art thou?"


  1. "I am grateful that we do not have an all-encompassing “normative” theology."

    Amen. I really like the foundation of ongoing revelation that can change, even radically, details of our theology - and, on an individual level, allow us to explore ideas that might be heterodox without automatically being outside acceptable norms simply because we are willing to consider them.

    We have some "normative principles", if you will, but not a normative theology - and I love that.

  2. Now if I didn't know any better, I'd think you were turning, well, evangelical!
