Saturday, May 23, 2009

The Roller Coaster is Up

Teaching, in general, isn't the most thankful job. But every once in awhile a note like this one just makes you grateful that what you do makes a difference. I received it just hours after awarding him with a significant school award at the 8th grade awards/graduation night. He isn't my "best" student and I don't know that he particularly has any extra-ordinary interest in U.S. History, but he does have extraordinary character. He's an absolute pleasure to teach, and he quietly and humbly excels in all that he does:

Dear Mr. [Clean Cut]

Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to learn about our past. It has already helped me become a more rounded person. I cannot thank you enough for giving me the [special] award. It is such an honor and it made my parents and me very proud!

You have always said you remember your 8th grade U.S. History teacher. I wanted to tell you that I am always going to remember you as my favorite teacher through out all of my life no matter what career I take on. You make learning so much more fun!!! You have a passion for teaching more than any other teacher I have ever had, and you have made a difference not only in my life but in many others in just one school year!

I do not have a favorite subject, but I will say I look forward to waking up every morning and going to my first period class. You make my day start off well by making school fun and I greatly thank you for that.

your student and friend,
[his name]


  1. Notes like that make it worth it. Way to go, Mr. Clean Cut!

  2. I never comment, but I just thought that was so precious.!! You need to frame that note somewhere. You deserve it!!

  3. Good job, Mr. Clean Cut. As a teacher myself, I know how rewarding comments like that are.

    It is a good reminder to be at our best for the students who are learning and not to become discouraged by those who choose to not learn.

  4. That's legit. I love stuff like that. I still have all of mine too. :) Keeep it up!
