As I sat in church yesterday I started looking around at all the people who by their own doing have given so much and blessed our family, especially at this time of the birth of our new little boy and girl.
The older gospel singer sister who showed up at our door and proceeded to vacuum before holding the babies and generally just being a joy to visit with. The young couple who serves in the nursery and gave us their beautiful but used crib--even drilling holes so that we could raise the mattress higher to make it easier to reach newborn babies. The primary pianist and ward chorister whose generosity and friendship has meant so much to us. The sister who lives just up the hill across the street who stopped at a yard sale when she saw two matching rocking chairs for newborns, bought them, and gave them to us as a surprise gift. The family--particularly the dad who personifies "service"--who have become such good friends--whose service has blessed not only our family in meaningful and lasting ways but the lives of so many others. Those who have brought us dinner in recent days, or given so many other helpful items (ie: diapers and baby clothes). So many thoughtful acts of love.
I was overcome. And I had an epiphany as I sat there among ward "family". If Christ said that the first and greatest commandment was to love God and the second was to love our neighbor, then I really was surrounded by true disciples of Jesus Christ. I also better understood grace, because I feel so undeserving of all that love, and yet it is so generously and freely offered. "I stand all amazed" in more ways than one at such love. These angels are Saints to me.
Annotated Doctrine and Covenants, 10 – 19
13 hours ago