Spotlighting an excellent post: I the Lord Am Bound, by Sam MB at By Common Consent.
Some of my favorite lines:
“When I think about binding God, this is the image that fills my soul with light. That God has adopted me, that he will claim me–bedraggled, bemused, bedeviled me–as his son, that he will allow our relationship to be the tender and overwhelming and often ineffable relation of parent to child. This to me is the great promise and reassurance of the possibility that God is willing to be bound to us.”
“God is not a vending machine”
“In my times of yearning and struggle, when I most hunger for God’s presence, it is the promise of a 'bond and covenant that cannot be broken' that buoys me up.”
On Developing a Grassroots American Resistance
15 hours ago
And this covenant that cannot be broken is because of Jesus who took our place; the one who absorbed the punishment that we deserve and who imputes His righteousness to us type sinners.
"He who did not spare his own Son but gave him up for us all, how will he not also with him graciously give us all things?" Romans 8:32
NM, Great comment.
I also like he who began a work in you is faithful to complete.
did sara have the baby yet?
Anonymous (?)--Monday's the day.
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